Monday, October 14, 2013

A Healthy Layer of Dirt

A friend led me over to this girl to take a peek at the hide she was holding. Apparently she had been working on it the day before at a demonstration. The overalls she was wearing, with their casual smear of mud, nearly made me jealous. From the beautifully piled hair to her serviceable shoes, she was classy from head-to-toe.

Beards and Babies

There is no accessory greater than a baby. I love the inter-generational atmosphere at Common Ground. As a former homeschooler who grew up with friends of a variety of ages, I've never been comfortable with the social pressure to only associate with people one's own age. The fair is a great example of the healthy environment brought about by mingling.

This image was one that really made me smile, between the simple, old-fashioned look of the man and his gentle hold on the little one.

Red and Purple

Even the fairgoers who are working for nonprofit organizations are stylin'.

Rot or Not?

These guys were the undeniable best dressed of the day.
Okay, maybe that's an overstatement, but overalls liberally adorned with play food and garbage, and the boys' frankly fantastic attitudes? Super.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Primary Colors!

Fall colors galore! People at the fair use color with abandon. This woman's bright yellow leggings were hard to miss. I really like the color palette she chose- the earthy colors are my favorites. Her companion was rocking the wide suspenders/braces, and I liked his lovely salt-and-pepper hair. I ran into them many times throughout the day, including at a contra dance.

Overalls are a common sight at the fair. Certainly they fit in with the agricultural theme.  This fellow was sprawled in the middle of a plot of grass, clearly ignoring the world around him, and enjoying the early Fall sun. The basket made me think that he had paused on the way to some duty or other, putting off responsibility to rest for a moment. Regardless of his reasons, he made me smile. Needless to say I didn't disturb him.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Shy Smiles

This girl was sweet. She was clearly surprised to be asked to pose, but did a good job anyway. The comfortable textures of her outfit drew me to her right away. I like long skirts, swishing around the ankles, and hers is really pretty with the bright, large print. The slouchy sweater looked so comfortable. I think one of the marks of outfit success is making your clothes look considered but not constraining. Be artistic and comfortable. And go barefoot!

Monday, September 30, 2013

Autumn Corduroy

These were the first attendees I stopped at the fair, drawn by the rich browns of the gentleman's outfit. His corduroy pants and vest really suited the earthy vibe of the place, and I like how the lady's bracelets pick up on their color, whether intentionally or not. The embroidery on the shirt was a nice touch.

Most practical was the hat! The sun beat down considerably that day, and I wished for one myself.

Common Ground 2013!

Thank you to Arielle for the introduction, and welcome to Common Ground style 2013! The fair this year was as lively as ever, featuring seminars on topics from vermiculture (that's worms, folks) to "women's tyre repair." One of the things that sets MOFGA's annual fair apart from other country fairs is the openness and variety of the attendees, the willingness to share information and knowledge with others. I love the culture of learning (a holdover from my homeschooling years), and the diversity of experiences on offer: ethnic music, contra dancing, animal husbandry, family activities, wildcrafting, and much more.

Easily as diverse is the dress sense of the fair-goers, and it’s a joy to wander, taking in the beautiful, creatively expressed outfits. As Arielle has pointed out, the fair is no fashion show- and I loved the lack of competition or cockiness as I asked permission to take photographs. Almost everyone was confused at first, a little embarrassed, and then smiling shyly as they posed naturally for my camera.

 And really, where else can you find a woman in a magnificent cabbage costume?

Friday, September 27, 2013

We have a guest blogger for the 2013 edition!

Hello everyone!

Join me in welcoming Hannah as our Guest Blogger for 2013. 

I was sadly only able to make it to the fair for one day this year, and decided not to try to take photos, since I was already so short on time with all I wanted to do and see.  As luck would have it, though, I got an email out of the blue only days after the fair from lovely Hannah, who said she was taking pics of great country fair style and was asked by fair-goers if she was "the girl with the style blog."  She did some research, found me and this blog, and got in touch, and I invited her to be the guest blogger for this year.

With any luck, maybe she (and others?!) will join me for future editions as well, and we can keep this document of everyday, rural cool alive and well for years to come!

Thanks, Hannah!